Fort Collins Cat Rescue is having a FABULOUS Meow-loween party on Friday, Oct. 30th, and you are invited!!!! The party is taking place in the Agave Room at Rio Grande Mexican Restaurant located on Mountain St. in Fort Collins. The party is from 7pm - 11pm.
There will be LIVE MUSIC from Chatoic Serenity (an awesome band - http://www.myspace.com/chaoticserenitygirls), Costume Contests, dancing, a cash bar, door prizes, and more.
Tickets to the event are $20 in advance or $25 at the door. Food is included.
You can purchase your tickets online by going to www.blacktie-colorado.com/rsvp and entering event code: FCCR10/30.
This is your chance to party and have a great time while supporting
the Fort Collins Cat Rescue at the same time.
Meow-loween is being sponsored by our friends: Aspen Grove Veterinary Care!