Sweet Violet
Handsome Henry
On Thursday, February 18th at 8:30am I received a call from one of my employees asking if I knew anything about the 2 cats left on our doorstep in humane cat traps. I told her I definitely didn't know anything abou that, and my heart sunk realizing that we had just had two more "drop offs".
The next day I went into the shelter to meet our 2 newest residents. My heart melted when I saw their sweet faces. Although they were both very frightened, they allowed me to pet them and I immediately fell in love. Although it is frustrating to have kitties abandoned on our doorstep, at least the previous owners were well intentioned enough to look for a no-kill facility. They had also put the kitties cushy beds in the traps (the traps had been taken from behind our facility) which tells me that they really did care about these kitties and probably felt they had no other option.
In the last 2 weeks the 2 kitties have blossomed, and also received names - Violet and Henry. Violet is a beautiful, long-hair, gray kitty. She is blind in both eyes, but does very well considering this handicap. She is about 8 years old and has the sweetest disposition. You really can't help but fall in love with her. Henry is a handsome, short-hair gray kitty. He is about 5 years old and is very healthy. He loves to be pet and would love to have a lap to call his own.
When the abandonment first happened, many of us were infuriated. However, a friend told us that although it hurts to have cats left like that, that really we are receiving a gift and get the opportunity to find these animals a wonderful home. She was right....Violet & Henry have been a gift. Now we just need to find that wonderful home.