How long have you been volunteering for FCCR?
My life was empty and meaningless until I discovered FCCR about three and a half years ago. Since then it has been sunshine and rainbows!
What type of volunteer work do you do?
Primarily I am a foster home, but I also assist with fundraising, events, and the vaccine clinics. You’re all coming to Meow-loween, right? I want to see great costumes again this year!
What do you enjoy doing when you're not volunteering for FCCR?
Tape rolling cat hair off every surface in my apartment.
How many cats (or other companion animals) do you have?
Technically, four cats that are mine. I am also trying to re-home a timid but sweet adult kitty that is not a FCCR foster kitty. Anyone out there want a nice cat?
If you could make one wish for FCCR, what would it be?
The nicest and friendliest staff and volunteers in the whole world. Oh wait! We’ve got that! I guess we’re good.
Second choice: the Pentagon’s budget.